Gelidiopsis intricata (C. Agardh) Vickerns


Gelidiopsis intricata (C.Agardh) Vickerns


Thalli form bushy, wing clumps usually mixed with other seaweed. It is greenish or purplish brown when fresh and an attached to the substrate by rhizoids; lLower branches some what creeping and entangled. Upper ones are erect, filamentous about 2 - 6 m tall, cylindrical 160 - 454µ in diameter and tapering towards the apices; branching is spares, irregular and somewhat subdichotomous; cross section of branch shows a medulla composed of thick walled and very small rounded cells.

Distribution :

Ecological status : Intertidal and subtidal zones

IUCN status :NE

Uses :

Culture/Cultivation :